Important Questions for Class 12 English Book Wise
CBSE 12 English Most Important Questions for Board Exam chapter wise is also available with Answers for Flamingo, Vistas and Novels. Visit the following links to view the important questions & answers.
Important Questions for Class 12 English Vistas Chapter Wise
Important Questions 3 mark.
Chapter 2: The Tiger King by Kalki
Q.1 How does author employ ironic devices?
Ans. The author uses the ironic device in a remarkable manner. She describes the characters in a grossly inappropriate manner. She uses a very dextrous way of dramatic irony. To show off the king flaunts his first killed tiger in front of the astrologer and still he dies by the poison spread into his body from a wood tiger.
Q.2 Author’s indirect comment on subjecting innocent animals?
Ans. The way humans subject animals is too rude. They kill them for their own sport which is not appropriate to fulfill our own whims and fancies. We should not kill innocent animals because they cannot raise their voice against the injustice being done is the duty of each and every human beings to protect our animals
Q.3 Behaviour of Raja’s minions?
Ans. The behavior of the minions of the Raja is not because they are loyal to him or because they love him but only because they fear him. In such scenarios a King can never take for long where his subjects are afraid of him. Such kingdom can never be a democratic one.
Chapter 4: The Enemy by Pearl S. Buck
Q.1 There are Moments in life when we have choices What make us rise above war?
Ans. Dr. Sada gets caught between choosing his moral and ethical responsibility to save the soldier and as an individual to be loyal towards his nation. These dilemmas of life and the roles that we play are often what give us tough choices. Dr. Sdao fulfills his responsibilities by choosing to help the soldier and by deciding to hand him over to the commissioner his duty as an individual. He therefore rises above the war because of his humanity towards an injured man who was not a soldier then but a human being in trouble.
Q.2 Do you think doctor’s decision was good?
Ans. Doctors decision was good because if he has left the soldier there he would have died for sure. And if he had handed him over to the police they would have killed him. Dr. Sadao chooses the middle path by letting the soldier run to the island where he could be safe until he recovered. Since he tried his best to save the soldier who was injured and also spoke truth to the general about an enemy in his house.
Chapter 5: Should wizard hit mommy by John Updike
Q.1 what is moral issue that the story raises ?
Ans. The story explores different levels of maturity in ur life. First one is a child’s perspective against the adult’s perspective. Children are innocent. There is no place for cunningness, hatred in their world. On the contrary jack who tried to always impose that parents are always correct in making decisions. This story raises the moral question that whether we should follow our elders blindly even if they are wrong.
Q.2 what is your stance regarding two endings to the Roger Skunk story?
Ans.Since Jo was just a little innocent child, both the endings are a little irrational. She visualizes everything from whatever things she hears from others and she never questions it even if it is wrong in her opinion
In addition to the story where the skunk’s mother hits the wizard for no reason. The wizard was just following the orders of his mother. It would teach that parents have the right to hit people just because they are elders.
On the contrary if jo had the ending of her own story, everyone would stop believing and respecting their elders.
Q.3 How is an Adult’s perspective different from a Child’s perspective ?
Ans. there is a lot of difference in a child’s perspective and a perspective of an adult human being. A child’s thoughts are not polluted with corruption. There is a natural flow in his speech. He speaks without thinking of any reaction whereas ault’s think a lot before speaking. They are not governed by their instincts but by the laws of the society.
Chapter 6: On the face of it by Susan Hill
Q.1 Which section display signs of loneliness of Mr. Lamb?
Ans. The whole play is loathsome of sadness that derek feels but in particular there are incidents where Mr. Lamb shares these signs of sadness and loneliness too.
By the end of the scene, it is clear that he only keeps muttering that nobody talks to him or like to meet him after they meet him for the first time. It shows that he is lonely. He was so sure that derry also would never come back to meet the old guy.
Q.2 What behaviour we expect from others?
Ans. if we encounter anyone physically impaired we should never make fun of them. A person can live a life of respect and honour and life becomes a little easier if they receive the respect they deserve. But when someone mocks them it breaks their confidence. So he expects others to be respectful rather than reminding him of his physical incapabilities.
Chapter 7: Evan tries an O-Level by Colin Dexter
Q.1 Do you agree that b/w crime & punishment it is mainly a battle of wits?
Ans. in this world which is full of corruption, it can be said that between crime and punishment it is mainly the battle of the wits. One can outsmart the law if he is clever.
In the story Evan tries an O level it is reflected that it is not only the criminals who are punished but sometimes even the innocent get caught up in this battle and only because there are not oversmart they live their life in prison while Evans managed to fool the officials and earned his freedom.
Q.2 What did you feel about evan’s having the last laugh?
Ans. THe phrase Evans’ having the last laugh refers to the clever plan devised by Evan to escape and he made fool of everyone till the end. He left some clues so that the officials would be misleaded in chasin Evans the wrong way.he forged the van used by the governor of the prison. And he finally managed to escape which is refer to here is as Evans having the last laugh.
Chapter 8: Memories of childhood by Zitkala-sa and Bama
Q.1 what does ‘ I will not submit! I will struggle first!’ symbolise?
Ans. The phrase ‘I will not submit i will struggle first’ captures the issue of racial prejudice. The people who were colonised were treated in gruesome manner. They were looked down upon by the European missionary.There is an insight of the plight of the people in the story. The people became resolute to give the officials a tough fight until they had the last breath in them. The little girl represents that spirit of not giving up.
Q.2 How does the girl rebel when she notices her hair will be cut?
Ans. The girl rebels by hiding under the bed and not submitting to the authorities of the hostel. The hostel wardens have to put a lot of struggle to get the girl out and finally her hair is cut. She resents the issue but is proud that she at least tried all she could.
Q.3 Why does the girl decide to study when she notices annan carrying the packet in an odd fashion?
Ans.When the girl sees her annan carrying the packet in a very odd fashion way, she realises the odd practice of untouchability in her village. She decides to blur this tradition with the light of education. Under the supervision of her elder brother who is already studying in a university who is respected only because he was an educated person,she utilizes her anger and sense of rebellion to direct it in the right way. Since she understood that these malpractices had existed for decades and they could not be eliminated overnight. It was going to take a lot of effort.The tool that she chooses is the tool of education to fight.
Q.4 Did she achieve her dream of studying at a university too like her brother?
Important Questions 6 mark.
Chapter: The Tiger King
Q.1 What is the general attitude of human beings towards animals? How and Why is the story ironic? In what terms it is a comment on people in power?
Ans. The general attitude of the human beings toward wild animals is that they feel that wild animals must be killed when they try to harm humans. The story is ironic because there is a great difference in the behavior of both. Animals kill humans only when they encounter any perilous danger from them while humans kill animals for their own sport to fulfill their own fancy and whims. The raja only to prove the astrologer wrong about his foretold death unleashes on a crazy and whimsical hunt to kill all tigers. He even marries a princess of the other state so that he could rightfully kill the tigers in that province as well yet his death is ironic in itself. Even after taking so many precautions, he dies through the poison which spreads into his whole body from an iron nail sticking out of the tiger made from wood. The wood tiger was a gift for his newborn child that he himself brings.
The story is a conceit on the people in power because people in power use their authority to drive their pleasures by ruling over them and
Chapter: The Enemy
Q.1 Should Dr. Sadao be arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy? Why or why not explain in your words using instances from the story?
Q.2 What explains the attitude of the General in the matter of the enemy soldier? Was it human consideration, lack of national loyalty, of dereliction duty or simply self absorption?
Chapter: Should wizard hit mommy?
Q.1 What possible plot line could the story continue with?
Chapter: On the face of it
Q.1 What draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb?
Q.2 The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with disabilities ?
Chapter: Even trans on O-level
Q.1 What could have governor have done to securely bring back evans to prison when he caught him at the golden lion? Does that final act of foolishness really prove that he was just another good-for-a-giggle, gullible governor, that was all?
Chapter: Memories of childhood
Q.1 What is the common theme in both the episodes discuss briefly? Can you relate anything common in the girls.
Important Questions for Class 12 English Marks Wise
Important 1 Mark Questions for Class 12 English (All Books)
Important 3 Mark Questions for Class 12 English (All Books)
Important Questions for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter Wise
Important Questions 1 mark.
Poem 1: My mother at sixty-six by Kamala Das
Q.1 What is the pain that the poet feels?
Ans. The pain is due to the realization that her mother has grown old and that she will die soon.
Q.2 Why mother has been compared to ‘late winter’s moon’?
Ans. Mother’s face is as dull,dim and dismal as the winter nights approaching and the day is coming to an end.
Poem 2: An Elementary School classroom in a Slum by Stephen Spender
Q.1 What does the author of the poem want for the children of the slum?
Ans. To go outside the slums and explore the world.
Poem 3: Keeping quiet by Pablo Neruda
Q.1 What will counting help to achieve?
Ans. It will help us take a momentary pause in our lives out of the rush.
Q.2 What ‘sadness’ is referred to here in the poem?
Ans. The failure to understand each other in our busy life.
Poem 4: A Thing of beauty by John Keats
Q.1 What makes us love life despite of hardships?
Ans. The natural surrounding makes us love life despite hardships. This natural beauty never fades.
Q.2 What things cause pain and suffering?
Ans. The dark phases of our life cause pain and suffering.
Poem 6: Aunt Jennifer’s Tiger by Adrienne Rich
Q.1 Why Jennifer’s hand flutter while sweatering?
Ans Her hands flutter because she is an old lady now and her age is taking a toll on her.
Q.2 what is the Importance of the image used “massive weight of uncle’s wedding band”?
Ans. The wedding band is the wedding ring. It is heavy because aunt Jennifer is tired of her suites.
Q.3 What ordeals does Aunt Jennifer face in her life?
Ans. The rules laid down by her husband are the ordeals.
Q.4 Why does Aunt Jennifer created tigers and not any other animal?
And. Tigers represent the freedom that Aunt Jennifer longs for. Her desire to escape the marriage life.
Important Questions 3 mark.
Chapter 1: The Last Lesson by Alphonse Daudet
Q.1 How does people realise the importance of their language?
Ans. The people realise the importance of their language only when they are told that they will not be able to use their beloved language anymore.
There is a notice from Berlin which said that German will be imposed and replace French.
It is the reason behind their sudden transformation.
Q.2 Why is the right to speak their own language is being taken away from the people?
Ans. Since the war broke out and France was defeated by Berlin. The German was to be imposed on all its subjects.
The bulletin board informed the people this news that only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine
Chapter 2: Lost Spring by Anees Jung
Q.1 Why does people Migrate to cities from villages?
And. The are many factors behind this reason. People migrate to cities in search of better opportunities for their life, better civic and health facilities. Others are forced when some unnatural disasters take place and their homes are ruined. Then people move to cities.
Q.2 Mention the hazards of working in the bangle industry?
Ans. People who work in the bangle industry often lose their eyesight. By working continuously in the bangle industry near burning furnaces they might also have lung problems.
Chapter 3: Deep Water by William Douglas
Q.1 How did douglas overcome his fears?
And. After the Y.M.C.A episode he realized that all we have to fear is fear itself which was said by Franklin Roosevelt. He hired a swimming instructor and learning swimming and practicing everyday. Douglas worked on his weakness each day and finally he was able to overcome his fear.
Q.2 How does Douglas’s childhood Exp. helped him in his adult age?
And. After both the childhood experiences Douglas has had. Both of these incidents were almost turning points in his life. He faced death so near and came back alive. It made him realize the importance of life even more. He learned swimming because it was like a hurdle in his life and he faced it and conquered it with his dedication. These incidents also prepared him for the hurdles that might come in his future and provide him strength.
Chapter 4: The Rattrap by Selma Lagerlof
Q.1 How does the metaphor of rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament?
And. The world is like a trap because we get caught up in the luxuries of the worst pleasures and once we do we forget the acts of kindness.
We ought to be helping each other but we don’t.
We ignore the plight of the ones in need.
He makes a much deeper comment on the life and he himself realises it only when he appreciates the kindness shown to him by Elsa.
Chapter 5: Indigo by Louis Fischer
Q.1 How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers?
Ans. Gandhi was able to I fluency the lawyers by his conviction, earnestness and pertinent questioning. He reproached the lawyers for charging large sums of fees from the peasants. Later lawyers from bihar stood against it he told the lawyers of champagne that if he was willing to go to jail for those peasants it will be impudent for them to return.
Chapter 8: Going places by A.R Barton
Q.1 what is the difference between sophie & jansie?
Ans. Sophie was a dreamer who enjoyed living under fantasy world where as Jansie was more of a practical girl.
Sophie relied on her imagination and Jansie on her maturity which is quite evident in the lesson.
Jansie tried to bring her friend to the real world but all in vain.
Q.2 What socio economic background did sophie belong to?.
And. Sophie belonged to a lower middle class family with her parents and two brothers Derek and Geoff. Her father is a Labourer and her elder brother Geoff works as a mechanic in a garage far from the house. Her family wants her to start working soon but she is not reluctant to work.
Important Questions 6 mark.
Chapter 1: The Last Lesson
Q1: “Will they make them sing in german” what does it mean?
Chapter 2: Lost Spring
Q1: Would you agree that promises made to poor children are rarely kept.?
Q2: What is Saheb looking for in the garbage. Where has he come from ?
Chapter 3: Deep Water
Q1: What misadventure william douglas speaks about ? How did this incident affect him ?
Q2: What did douglas do to overcome his fear? Did he overcome his fear ? If how ? explain?
Chapter 4: The Rattrap
Q1: From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap ?
Q2: What made the peddler think that he had fallen into a rattrap ?
Q3: The Story has many instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to other’s behaviour. Pick instances of these surprises.
Chapter 5: Indigo
Q1: what did the peasants pay the british landlords as rent ? what british now want instead & What would be the impact of synthetic indigo on the prices of natural indigo?
Q2: Why did Gandhi agree to a settlement of 25% refund to the farmers ? How did this incident change the plight of the peasants ?
Q3: How does the champanan incident became a turning point in Gandhi’s life ?
Chapter 8: Going Places
Q1: Where was it most likely that the two girls would find work after school ?
Important 6 Mark Questions for Class 12 English (All Books)
Important Questions for Class 12 English Novels
Important Questions 6 mark.
Novel: The invisible man by H.G Wells
Q.1 what experiment griffin is performing? Is he successful in his experiments?
Q.2 What do you think goes wrong in his experiments?
Q.3 Why does griffin run away from the Inn?
Q.4 Dr. Kemp takes the decision of handing over griffin to the police was he right?
Q.5 Was griffin consumed with greed and power or knowledge.
Novel: The Silas Marner by George Eliot
Q.1 What kind of life did silas lead before coming to Raveloe?
Q.2 Describe any character from the novel in brief?
Q.3 summarise the story in brief?
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