Topic wise Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies are given below.
Topic Wise Important Questions in Text Format
Introduction to Management
- Explain the organisational objectives of management ?
- ‘Coordination is a continuous activity’. Explain?
- Explain any features of management?
- Enumerate the importance of management.
- Is Management Art/ Science or both?
- ‘Management is multi-dimensional’. Explain?
- What do you mean by planning? Explain its Importance?
- What are the steps involved in the planning process?
- Differentiate between procedures and rules.
- Explain limitations of planning which are beyond the control of an organization?
- Why do plans fail in spite of the best efforts of management?
- Define Business Environment. State importance of business environment.
- Explain different forces of business environment ?
- Explain the key components of business environment?
- Enumerate the benefits of understanding business environment.
- Enumerate impact of liberalization and globalisation on Business?
- What do you mean by management principles? How are management principles derived?
- “Management principles are evolutionary.” Explain.
- What is scientific management and name its principles ?
- Explain the nature of management principles. Also Explain its Importance ?
- Taylor’s principles of scientific management and Fayol’s principles of management are mutually complementary.” Do you agree with this view? Give any four reasons in support of your answer.
- ‘Discipline is double-edged tool’ Comment.
- Explain the Concept and importance of staffing.
- Explain Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management.
- What is the importance of staffing for a business?
- Explain Staffing process? Explain its components? (Recruitment – sources , Selection – process)
- What is Training and development ? Explain the concept and importance ?
- Describe different methods of training ?
- Concept and importance.
- Explain Organizing Process.?
- Structure of organization ( functional and divisional)
- What is Delegation of Authority? Explain its elements and importance.
- What is Decentralization ? How it is different from Centralization of power?
- What is meant by Directing? Explain the importance of directing?
- ‘Directing is the least important function of management.’ Do you agree with this statement? Give any two reasons in support of your answer.
- Explain Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory ?
- What are the different elements of Directing ?
- “All managers are leaders, but all leaders are not managers.” Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons in support of your answer.
- Explain the various leadership styles?
- What are the barriers to effective communication?
- What is Controlling ? How it is important for the Organization?
- Explain different Features/Nature of Controlling.
- Explain Controlling Process.
- Limitations of Controlling
- ‘Planning and Controlling are mutually interrelated and interdependent activities’ How?
- Concept of Financial Market and functions of financial markets.
- Classification of financial markets and there different financial Instruments.
- Difference between Primary Market and Secondary Market
- Methods of raising capital from the primary and secondary market.
- What is stock exchange? What are its Functions?
- Explain the Trading Process?
- What is SEBI? What are its objectives and what functions it performs?
- What is Marketing ? How it is difference between selling concept and marketing concept? Elaborate with examples.
- What are the objectives and functions of marketing ?
- What are the different elements of marketing mix?
- What is the difference between Personal selling and Sales promotion?
- Expenditure on advertising is a social waste. Do you agree? Discuss.
- Explain the factors determining choice of channels of distribution of any product.
- Mention the act which provides protection to consumers.
- The scope of consumer protection act is very wide. How?
- What does consumer protection act 1986 aims at?
- What are the responsibilities of consumers?
- Explain the rights of consumers.
- A case study is must.
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