Formal letters include
(1. Business letters 2. Official letters 3. Applications 4. Letter to Editor of newspapers,letters of complaints, etc.)

Solved Examples
1- Anand witnessed an accident near the school gate where a child fell down and was hurt very badly. Many people were standing around but did not know what to do. Finally the child was carried to the hospital by a taxi driver. Anand felt the necessity to enable the students to render the first aid to the victim. He decides to write a letter to the editor of a local daily about the importance of knowing first aid. Write the letter on his behalf using your own ideas and the ideas from the unit ‘Health and Medicine’.
RX-45, Abhilasha Complex
Greater Kailash
New Delhi-42
April 17, 2011
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Sub:-Importance of knowing first aid
May I have the honour to draw the attention of the authorities and the people through the esteemed column of your newspaper about the importance of knowing the first aid? Today a child met an accident near the school gate. Many people were standing around but did not know what to do. Finally the child was carried to the hospital by a taxi driver. The students should be made aware of primary steps of first aid at school. In the school curriculum, it should be included. Even competitions should be held to make them efficient at first aid.
At the same time, they should have their own mini first aid box at their home. The parents should encourage their children for this purpose. They should know what to do in such situations before the victim is carried to the hospital. At times, the first aid can be life saving. The government and the concerned educational authorities should initiate a step towards this.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
2) A newspaper reader in Srinagar wants to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper about the increasing awareness of health and diet. The table given below shows some changes from 1999 to 2009. Using the information together with your own ideas from the unit of ‘Health and Medicine’, write a letter in not more than 150 words.
HEALTH IN SRINAGARNumber of yoga & health clubs
People using refined oil People going for morning walk People going for regular health checkup Awareness programmes Role of advertisements Death rate | 1999520%
5% 8% 10% 7% 15%
| 200910
60% 25% 23% 40% 33% 11% |
7/50, B Mal Road
10 June, 2011
The Editor
The Tribune
Sub: – Increasing awareness of health and diet.
I write this letter to highlight the changes that are being observed in terms of awareness among people regarding health. Health seems to be quite on the top of people’s priority list.
To give a few examples in 1999, there were only 5 yoga centres which doubled by 2009.As compared to 1999, the use of refined oil is increased by three times in 2009.There is a steep rise in the number of people going for morning walk, i.e. from 5% to 25%. The number of people going for regular health checkup has also gone up considerably. Advertisements are also playing a major role, in 1999 it was7% and now it has increased to 33%. As a result of all this, death rate has fallen from 15% to 11%.
This shows that people’s attitude and concern regarding their own health has undergone a change. The dictum ‘Health is Wealth’ is probably being understood .As long as one lives, one should be healthy, hale and hearty, is the motto.
This has given boost to health related business, showing an upward movement. If one is conscious about one’s health, it definitely pays in long run.
Through this letter, I want people to know that they should avail the facility available as well as go for regular morning walks, to keep themselves hale and hearty.
Yours truly
1) You were a part of audience in a debate held in your school on ‘Technology, Its effects on modern life’. This set you thinking how the youth of today misuses technology .Write a letter in 150 words to the Editor of a newspaper on the dangers of such misuse and how it can be controlled. Use the following notes:
Refer to the unit of science:
Youth –easy prey to technology
- Effects on health if misused
- Waste of money and time
2) Given below is an extract from an article in ‘Newsweekly’:
‘For years, I ate fast food because it was efficient and cheap. I had no idea I could be damaging my health,’says Ravi Tripathi, 56, a maintenance worker with heart disease.
Your younger brother is studying in a boarding school. Write a letter telling him about the health hazards caused by junk food, using your own ideas and the ideas from the unit on ‘Health and Medicine’.
3) You are Gaurav. You feel that facilities for tourists should be improved in India. Write a letter to the secretary, Department of tourism in your state highlighting the need for improving facilities for tourists to promote tourism in your region. Ideas can be taken from the unit ‘Travel and tourism’ besides your own ideas on the subject. Your answer should not exceed 150 words.
4) You lost your wallet on the train. You haven’t found it yet.
Write a letter to the station master of the local train station in about 150 words. In your letter
a. Describe your wallet and what was in it.
b. Request information about their lost and found service.
c. State what action you want the station master to take.
5) You happen to come across a group of children in tattered clothes begging on the road side. Their bones were peeping out of their skin-a perfect picture of malnutrition. You were very much touched. You decided to write a letter to the editor of ‘The Tribune’, Chandigarh. Write the letter in about 180 words.
6) You are Rachana/Raghav, 15 MG road Agra. You happened to see the following news item in a newspaper. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India, New Delhi expressing your views on the matter.
New Delhi:-The Supreme court has passed an order that it is the responsibility of every citizen to look after their aged parents. If they fail, they will have no right of inheritance.
(Letters to friends, parents, relatives and acquaintances)
DB-10 Rajeshwar Residency-IIHarni Road, Baroda 10 April, 2011 Dear_______ , Body of the letter Yours lovingly Rajat |
Solved Example
1- Imagine you are Raghav, a class X student of Army School Agra Cantt. You are living as paying guest at 24-D Sadar bazaar Idgah, Agra. Write a letter to your father telling him about the prize which you have won by standing first in the Chess Competition during annual sports day celebration.
24-D Sadar bazaar Idgah
15 April, 2011
Dear father,
The annual sports day celebration was held on last Monday. Brigadier RP Singh presided over the function.
You will be glad to know that I got the first prize by winning the inter-house Chess competition. There were many prize winners. When I was called, the students and the teachers gave a loud applause. The chief guest, Brigadier RP Singh, gave me the prize and congratulated me. It was a very big moment for me. I wish you had been here.
Convey my best regards to Mom, brother and Ruchi.
Yours lovingly
1. You are Mangla. On the basis of the notes given below, write a letter in about 150 words to your friend Radha, telling her about the dangers of drug addiction .
Why drug abuse? No single reason- addicts start out of curiosity-for pleasure-to get over boredom, symptom :
Loss of interest in sports, daily routine, appetite-puffy eyes-unclear vision-mood changes-temper tantrums.
Strike Drugs Before They Strangle You
25, Raj Garden
23 July, 2011
Dear Radha,
Hope this letter finds you in best of your spirit.
I am writing this letter specially to tell you about the dangers of consuming drugs. Drug consumption initially starts just out of curiosity, but when coaxed by friends, people start consuming for pleasure. This, slowly over a period of time, turns into a habit.
Some start consuming drugs to get over boredom. Soon with regular consumption, they start having depression symptoms .It then becomes a necessity .They lose interest in things around them, their hands start shaking and they lose appetite, they do not retain any interest in sports, academics, etc. Their eyes turn puffy and slowly they even tend to lose vision. Those who consume drugs regularly have temper tantrums. The person becomes the slave of drugs and if he is deprived, he develops several withdrawal symptoms. It slowly kills a person from inside.
We need to treat such people with understanding and sympathy.
Dear Radha, drugs are a curse on the society and one should not even try them. You need to be healthy to achieve success for yourself in the world.
Convey my regards to aunt and uncle and love to Beena.
Yours affectionately
3. You have just witnessed the impact of evaluation through grades, instead of marks in class ten Board results. Write a letter to your younger cousin advising him how to deal with changes.
- Good grades— consistent, continuous effort
- Once a 9 or 10 point average, you are slotted with the best
- One mark may make you lose or gain the next grade
- Grades bring in several toppers
22-D Swaroop Nagar
New Delhi
18th Aug 200X
My dear Aman,
Hope everything is fine at your end. As you know , the CBSE introduced the grading system last year in class ten. Since we were the first to have witnessed the evaluation through grades instead of marks, I relate through this letter the good points of this new system.
First of all grades eliminated the hollow competition from our minds. But, we remained determined to get good grades. Now I have found that getting good grades is not very difficult. They require just consistent and continuous efforts. It means regular studies with whole hearted participation in class activities. If you take active part in class room activities, like enacting some scenes, group discussions and delivering speeches, you get very good grades. I personally think that once you start getting a 9 or 10 point average, you are slotted with the best. However, all this depends on your continuous and regular work. Just one mark can make you lose or gain your next grade. There is no doubt that grades bring in several toppers. Of course these are not like evaluation through marks, but I find them rewarding. Because of them we start taking a keen interest in our studies.
I find the grades good and encouraging.
I shall be glad to explain to you more on this as and when you want.
With regards
Yours lovingly
Practice Questions-
1-You are Anuj/Ambuja of class X living in the hostel of KV 1 Delhi Cantt. Write a letter to your mother telling her how you prepared Maggi for the first time in your room.
2-You are Abhay/ Abha living in Surat. You have been invited to attend your friend’s marriage. You are not able to attend the marriage due to personal problems. Write a letter to your friend congratulating him and showing your inability to attend his marriage.
3-Write a letter to your father asking him to send money as you have to buy the new books, pay the school fee and hostel charges for the new academic session.
4- Write a letter to your sister congratulating her on getting admission in MBBS. Also ask some tips about her success.
E- Mails
E-mail, also known as Electronic Mail is a method of exchanging digital messages across internet or other computer networks. It is the quickest way to communicate in writing.
E-mail messages consist of two major sections:
1- Header consisting of- subject, sender, receiver, date and time.
2- Body which contains the message. It can contain formal/informal language depending on the purpose
Tips on composing E-mails:
- It should be brief
- It should give a clue to the content of the message
- It need not be a complete sentence
- Dear Sir/first name of the person
Opening Statement
- Begin with a pleasantry or greeting
- When replying a message- Thank you for your message/ I received your message
Clarity and tone
- When you expect a reply-‘Please let me know’
- When you want help-‘please’ or ‘kindly’
- Each main idea should be in a separate paragraph
- Use complete sentence. Do not use SMS language.
Complimentary close
- Regards/Love
- Name
Meaning of CC &BCC:
CC-Carbon Copy- add addressee to it, if those people need to know about the subject, but are not required to act on the contents.
BCC– Blind Carbon Copy- People in this field are concealed from other recipients in the ‘To’, ‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ fields. They can see others in the ‘To’ & ‘CC’ fields, but not the ‘BCC’ fields.
Do’s and Don’ts about E Mail:
- Use an informative subject line.
- Write most important information first.
- Use number and bullets to make the message clearer.
- Use simple grammar and language.
- Write short sentences.
- Use separate paragraphs.
- Write about irrelevant issues.
- Give personal information that you don’t want someone else to know.
- Use capital letters to write whole words as in emails, this is considered shouting.
- Use different fonts (the recipient’s computer may not be compatible).
- Use Italics.
- Use exclamation marks.
- Use incomprehensible abbreviations, acronyms and smileys.

Formal Email
Solved Example
You are Mr RK Singh, the librarian of KV AFS Baroda. Write an email to Bhatia Book Depot, Ahmedabad requesting them to cancel your order for English literary books and books on environment. Give reasons for cancellation of the order.

Questions for practice:
1- You are Rachit/Rachana, a class IX student of Army School Mathura Cantt. You want to join computer classes during summer vacation at Sony computer centre, a well reputed computer institute of Agra. Send an E- Mail to the institute seeking the following information:-
- Courses offered
- Duration of each course
- Respective course fee
- Frequency of classes
- Lodging/boarding facility
- Any other information
The E-Mail ID of the institute is ‘[email protected]
2-You are Varun/ Varnika. Write an e-mail to your principal, complaining to him/her about the problems of sanitation and cleanliness in your school.
Informal Email
Solved Example
1. You are Soham, an employee of Reliance India Limited Mumbai. You planned to visit your home during the month of May, 2011. But you are not able to go your home as you have been asked to go to Kolkata during that period by the company. Send an email to your father showing your inability to go home as planned earlier.

2.On ‘Mother’s Day’ you gifted your mother with “LenovoA600 Idea Centre”. Your cousin wants you to write an E-Mail and describe how your mother reacted when you gave her the gift. Also describe the functions of the Computer.
You may take the help of hints given below.
Mother overwhelmed, gave blessings, invited her friends to show the new computer- “LenovoA600 Idea Centre”—– slimmest computer-HD display—can watch TV, Soap operas—DOLBY THEATRE SOUND SYSTEM
Date: 25th July 200X |
From: Suresh@ gmail.com |
To: Sudhir [email protected] |
Subject: Mother and LenovoA600 |
Dear Sudhir I hope you are fine. As you desired I am writing this E-Mail about my mother’s reaction, when I gifted her the newLenovoA600 on ‘Mother’s day’. You know LenovoA600 is the latest version of laptops. It is the slimmest of laptops with HD Display. One can watch TV, soap operas on it. It is like theater, with Dolby sound system. When I gave my mother this laptop, she was simply thrilled. She just hugged me and blessed me profusely. Tears of joy were there in her eyes. I consider this LenovoA600 as the best gift for my mother, as I knew she wanted it very badly. Being a great enthusiast for keeping herself abreast of what is happening around and hungry for knowledge, She would enjoy using it. She can not only satisfy her hunger for knowledge, but also entertain herself by seeing TV, etc. She can experience Theatre, as it is fully equipped with Dolby theatre Sound system. Regards Yours lovingly Suresh |
More Class 10 Writing Skill Format
- Composition
- Message
- Notice
- Diary Entry
- Biography
- Data Enterpretation
- Dialogue
- Description
- Letter
- Article
- Speech
- Sotry
- Debate
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