Tense refers to the time at which an action takes place.
Additional information
1-Types of sentences:
1- Affirmative
2- Negative
3- Interrogative
i- Yes/No type
ii- question word/Wh words type
4-Interrogative- Negative
i- Yes/No type
ii- question word/Wh words type
2- Subject
1- Singular
2- Plural
Present tense:
1-Indefinite (Simple)
Hence forth-
MV- Main verb
HV- Helping verb
1- Habitual actions He gets up early in the morning.
2- Scientific facts Water boils at 1000 Centigrade.
3- Universal facts/ General truth The sun rises in the east.
Key- words: Daily, never, always etc.
MV- I form (Plural Subject), I form+ e/es(Singular Subject)- Affirmative sentences
HV- Do (Plural Subject)/Does (Singular Subject)-Negative & Interrogative Sentences
NB- No ‘s/es‘ with ‘ do/does‘
2-Continuous (Progressive, Imperfect)
1- Action taking place at the time of speaking.
I am teaching ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner‘ by ST Coleridge at present.
2- Action continued over a period of time in the present.
I am working on a science project nowadays.
Key- words: Nowadays, at present, these days etc.
MV- I form + ing
HV- Is, Am, Are
3- Perfect Tense
Just completed action.
I have completed my homework just now.
Key- words: Recently, Just now
MV- III form
HV- Has (Singular Subject)/ Have (Plural Subject)
4- Perfect Continuous Tense
Action started somewhere in the past but being done now.
I have been living in Baroda for the last two years.
She has been studying in this school for two years.
Key- words: Since, for
MV- I form + ing
HV- Has been (Singular Subject)/ have been (Plural Subject)
NB- Since- Point of time
For- Period of time
Past tense:
1-Past indefinite (Simple)
Action done in remote past.
I went to Mathura yesterday
I did not go to Mathura yesterday.
Key- words: – yesterday, last etc.
MV- II form (Affirmative sentences)
HV- Did
NB- 1-HV ‘Did‘ is used in negative & interrogative sentences.
2- With HV ‘Did‘, I form of MV.
2-Past Continuous
An action done progressively in the past.
He was working on a project, when I last visited him.
Key- words: those days, etc.
MV-I form + ing
HV- was, were
3-Past Perfect
An action completed in the past before a said time or another action.
Key- words: before, when, as soon as etc.
MV- III form (earlier past) & II form (Past)
HV- had (earlier past)
4-Past Perfect Continuous
An action being done continuously for the said period in the past.
She had been reading for two hours when I reached her house.
Key- words: since, for Verb:
MV- I form + ing
HV- had been
Future tense:
1- Future indefinite (Simple)
Refers to simple action which is to take place.
I will go to Surat tomorrow.
Key- words: tomorrow, next, coming etc.
MV- I form
HV- will, shall (Modals)
NB- 1- Ist Person (I, We) – shall
IInd & IIIrd Person (You, He/ She, It, They)-will
2- During three situations, i.e. determination, promise, threatening ‘shall ->will & will -> shall.
2-Future Continuous
A progressive future action.
At this time tomorrow, she will be doing her homework.
Key- words: tomorrow at this time etc.
MV- I form + ing
HV- will, shall (Modals) + be
3-Future Perfect
Refers to an action which will be completed at the said time in future.
e.g. I will have prepared support material by Saturday.
Key- words: after, by, etc.
MV- III form
HV- will, shall (Modals) + have
4-Future Perfect Continuous
An action which will begin before a definite time in the future and will just end up at that time or may continue even after that.
When I reach my school at 08:30 a.m tomorrow, the teacher will have been giving remedial classes.
Key- words: – Since, for, after three years, etc.
MV- I form + ing
HV- will, shall (Modals) + have been
Future Time Reference
1- By using ‘will/shall’
I‘ll go to Agra tomorrow.
2- By using ‘Simple present tense’
What time does the match begin?
3- By using ‘Present Continuous tense’
The PM is leaving for America next week.
4- By using ‘Going to’ form.
I am going to take bath.
5-By using „about to‟ form,
The train is about to come.
All Topics Class 10 English Notes
Chapter wise notes for English (अंग्रेज़ी) are given below.
- Writing Section
- Article Writing Format
- Formal Letter Format
- Story Writing Format
- Novels
- Diary of a Young Girl
- The Story of my Life
- Reading
- Reading Passages
- Grammar
- Active and Passive
- Comparison
- Determiners
- Modals
- Non Finites
- Relatives
- Reported Speech
- Tenses
- First Flight Books
- A Letter to God
- A Tiger in the Zoo
- Amanda
- Animals
- Dust of Snow
- Fire and Ice
- Fog
- For Anne Gregory
- From the Diary of Anne Frank
- Glimpses of India
- How to Tell Wild Animals
- Madam Rides the Bus
- Mijbil the Otter
- Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
- The Ball Poem
- The Hundred Dresses-I
- The Hundred Dresses-II
- The Proposal
- The Sermon at Benares
- The Trees
- Two Stories about Flying Crow
- Footprints without Feet Books
- A Question of Trust
- A Triumph of Surgery
- Bholi
- Footprints without Feet
- The Book that Saved the Earth
- The Hack Driver
- The Making of a Scientist
- The Midnight Visitor
- The Necklace
- The Thief’s Story
- Literature – Fiction, Poem, Drama
- A Shady Plot
- Julius Ceasar
- Mirror
- Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger
- Not marble, nor the Glided Monuments
- Ozymandias
- Patol Babu, Film Star
- Snake
- The Dear Departed
- The Frong and the Nightingale
- The Letter
- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Virtually Ture
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A Question of Trust Notes for Class 10 English – An Overview
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